Start date: 05/08/2023 - 06/08/2023
Duration: 2 days

Validity Rankings

  • Valid for Rankings: Scratch –  paulista and By Handicap Index – 2023 -Categories male and female
  • The score will be in accordance with the Paulista Rankings Regulations approved at the 51st Meeting of the Arbitration Council of the Paulista Golf Federation, dated 11/29/2023, namely:
    •  SCRATCH (Male and Female)
      • 1st place 15.00
      • 2nd place 12.00
      • 3rd place 10.00
      • 4th place 8.00
      • 5th place 6.00
      • 6th place 5.00
      • 7th place 4.00
      • 8th place 3.00
      • 9th place 2.00
      • 10th place 1.00
    •  ​​PAULISTA - BY HCP INDEX (Male and Female) – 36 holes
      • 1st place 15.00
      • 2nd place 12.00
      • 3rd place 10.00
      • 4th place 8.00
      • 5th place 6.00
      • 6th place 5.00
      • 7th place 4.00
      • 8th place 3.00
      • 9th place 2.00
      • 10th place 1.00


  • August 5th to 6th of 2023 (36 holes)
    • Scratch (Male) / Index up to 8.5
    • Scratch (Female) / Index up to 16.0
    • HCP Index 8.6 to 14.0 (Male)
    • HCP Index 14.1 to 19.4 (Male)
    • HCP Index 19.5 to 25.7 (Male)
    • HCP Index 16.0 to 25.7 (Female)
  • open to TrainingAugust 3rd or 4th 2023, the player must choose only one day for training.
    • on the 4th, starting from tee number 1 until 3 pm and tee 10 until 2:30 pm, after this time the course will be closed for maintenance.


GUARAPIRANGA GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB www.guarapirangagolf.com
Avenida do Jaceguava s/nº – Parelheiros – São Paulo, Capital
he. ((0xx11) 99751-2393, (0xx11) 97416-7637 whatsapp 11-97418-5507
email: [email protected]


  • Stroke Play in 36 holes in accordance with the above;

Vacancy Limit

  • 144 players obeying the order of arrival by sending the registration and payment form.
  • The club reserves the right to limit the number of participants, respecting the chronological order of duly paid registrations.

Categories and Awards

    • scratch: Champion and Runner-up
    • HCP Index up to 8.5: 1st, 2nd and 3rd place NET – BLUE TEE
    • HCP Index 8.6 to 14.0: 1st place GROSS and 1st and 2nd place NET – WHITE TEE
    • HCP Index 14.1 to 19.4: 1st place GROSS and 1st and 2nd place NET – WHITE TEE
    • HCP Index 19.5 to 25.7: 1st place GROSS and 1st and 2nd place NET – WHITE TEE
    • scratch: Champion and Runner-up
    • HCP Index up to 16.0: 1st, 2nd and 3rd place NET – RED TEE
    • HCP Index 16.1 to 25.7: 1st place GROSS and 1st and 2nd place NET – RED TEE


  • Adult Men (36 holes): R$ 600.00 guests| R$ 400.00 partners
  • Adult Female (36 holes): R$ 400.00 guests | R$ 300.00 members
  • Youth up to 18 years: R$ 200.00

    • 144 players obeying the order of arrival by sending the registration and payment form;
    • The registration forms that arrive after the limit of vacancies has been exceeded, even before the closing date, will be on a waiting list (in order of prioritized arrivals, those duly paid) and subject to confirmation.
    • 50% is guaranteed in the scratch category for athletes who will play 36 holes.
    1. Entries must be made exclusively by sending the registration form duly completed and signed, to the Golf Department of Guarapiranga Golf & Country Club, in the care of Mr. Gilberto Arrigo or Mr. Wellington Mendonça. email: [email protected]
      Applications in person or over the phone will not be accepted.
    2. The club will confirm the registration through a communication via telephone and or WhatsApp and the player will have a period of 24 hours to make the payment and send proof of payment of the fee to the email [email protected]. Entries not paid within the above conditions will be automatically cancelled.
    • 07/31/2023 at 12:00 pmor until spaces are exhausted.
    • accepted until 07/31/2023, provided they are communicated in writing to the club, otherwise the player will not be refunded the corresponding registration fee, eventually paid.
    • For unjustified withdrawals by registered athletes, the following rules will apply.
    • They will not be able to play the same event the following year;
    • They will be suspended from participating in the next 3 open events on the FPGolfe calendar;
    • In addition to the above penalties, players will pay the registration fee in full if they benefit from discounts or exemption from it.
    • Any refunds, when the withdrawal/cancellation is by the player, in a timely manner, will only be made after the end of the event.

Players Benefited

  • Players who are exempt and with a discount on the registration fee, according to the regulations approved at the last FPG Arbitration Council Meeting (51st) on 11/29/2022, will have their registrations guaranteed as long as they are formalized by 4/31/2023 at 12:00;
  • They are exempt: the winner of the Scratch Category of the GGCC Open Tournament in 2022;
    • Cat exempt players. Male= 2 first;
    • exempt players Cat. Female = 2first;
      Both categories = Ranking published after the Campeonato Aberto Clube de Campo de São Paulo 2023.
  • RANKING PAULISTA BY HCP-INDEX: for the purposes of discounts on the registration fee for athletes in this Ranking, the Ranking published after the Ranking published after Campeonato Aberto Clube de Campo de São Paulo 2023 will be used.
    Since the discounts will be for: Top 5 in each category, which are:

    • 1st place = discount 30% the registration fee;
    • 2nd place = discount 25% the registration fee;
    • 3rd place = discount 20% the registration fee;
    • 4th place = discount of 15% the registration fee;
    • 5th place = discount 10% the registration fee;


  • Handicaps to be published on the 1st will be considered August 2023.
  • Will be able to receive the prizes of the championship, the players that have in their handicap index card, 6 cards PUBLISHED in the period from May 1 to July 31, 2023.
  • The Handicap Index commission of the Paulista Golf Federation may apply the rules of the Tee do 1 program published on the FPGolfe website, during the course of the championship.


  1. The championship will be governed by the R&A rules, their interpretations, CBG Hard Card, deliberations of the November 2022 FPGolfe Arbitration Council and by local rules, with final decisions being made by the Referees Commission.
  2. It is allowed to use GOLF CAR to players of all handicap index categories. Players in the male index category up to 8.5 and female players up to 16.0 who choose to use the GOLF CAR will automatically compete only in the hcp index category.
  3. Electronics: Allowed in accordance with rule 4.3 - Use of equipment, that is, use of distance meters, watches and cell phones and other similar devices, provided they are used only for distance measurement, improper use will result in the following penalties:
    1st occurrence: general penalty
    2nd occurrence: Disqualification
  4. The Arbitration Commission may consider the above penalties in special circumstances. According to the rules, it is the responsibility of the Referee Commission to analyze and define whether, in the case of cell phone use, the situation falls under “emergency, “equity”. Rule 4.3a (4).
    Device and distance information may be shared and does not constitute advice.
  5. Game Interruption: In case of interruption of the game, the following signal will be used:
    • The)    1 (one) long siren or firework signal to stop the game;
    • B)    3 (three) long siren or rocket signals, restart the game.
      If the commission determines the annulment of one or more rounds due to lack of playing conditions, the winners of each category will be proclaimed according to the classification obtained in the rounds already concluded in 18 holes.
  6. Departure Time=Rule 5-3: The player must leave at the time indicated by the Fixed Commission on the notice board.
    Penalty: up to 5 minutes after the time: general penalty;
    After 5 minutes: disqualification.
  7. Training near or on the green of the last hole played is prohibited, as well as rolling a ball on the green of the last hole played and on the putting green between the first and second rounds.
  8. lap annulled: If the Committee determines the cancellation of one or more rounds due to the impracticability of the course, the winners will be proclaimed according to the classification of the rounds performed (round of 18 holes).
  9. Slammed Ball: The ball buried in the own pike can be lifted and cleaned only when the ball is buried in the general area.
  10. maximum score (Rule 21.2): For male category athletes with index above of 8.5 and for the female category up to 16.0, the score established by the Commission will be twice the field par.


  • 1st place of scratch: play off – sudden death.
  • Other categories: last 18, 9, 6, 3 and 1 holes.

Departure Time

  • They will be available to interested parties, from 03.08.2023 on the websites: www.fpgolfe.com.br or www.guarapirangagolf.com ;
  • Schedules will be strictly obeyed;
  • For the composition of the departure times of the 2nd day, the results of the 1st day will be considered;


  • RAINS: In case of heavy rain, the following signals will be used:
    • 1 Siren ringtones: STOP GAME
    • 3 consecutive siren blasts: RESTART THE GAME
    • Players must walk for the entire game time of a stipulated round;
    • Players will not be warned that they are being timed;
  • Condition Break Penalties:
    • 1st slow game: Referee's verbal warning
    • 2nd slow game: 1 penalty stroke
    • 3rd slow game: 2 penalty strokes
    • 4th slow game: Disqualification

Prize Giving

  • The criteria approved at the 51st Meeting of the Arbitration Council of the São Paulo Golf Federation held on 11/29/2023 will be adopted.
    The cups of the winning players who are absent during the award ceremony will be automatically handed over to the subsequent player in the ranking of the event, even losing the right to score in the Ranking Paulista and their placement in the event.

Social Program

  • Breakfast (August 5th and 6th) from 6:00 am to 10:00 am;
  • Lunch (August 6th) from 12:00 pm;
  • On November 6th, after the end of the games, there will be an award ceremony and a raffle of prizes for the players present.


  • We suggest the use of caddy not to delay the game. The entry of caddy from other clubs will only be allowed upon formal request informing the name of the caddy, CPF, RG and the name of the player responsible for the caddy, to the email [email protected] until the 31.07.2023.
  • A caddy from another club is subject to the same standards of behavior and procedure required of caddies serving our club. No caddy will be allowed in the social area.
  • Suggestion caddy fee:
    • R$ 150.00 (One hundred and fifty reais);


  • Honor
    • Ademir Mazo
    • Seung Kook Choi
  • Championship
    • Mauro G. Batista
    • Lyn Ahn
    • Chung Wei Luang
    • Wellington Mendonca
    • Gilberto Arrigo
    • Ellen Alvares
    • Frank Kazabon
  • Referees
    • Frank Kazabon
    • Mauro G. Batista
  • Tournament Director
    • Mauro G. Batista

Too much information

The other information will be delivered to the participants at the beginning of the event.



Aug 05 - 06 2023

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